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Baby Name Generator

Trying to find the perfect name? Get inspiration and name ideas from our tool below to get unique baby girl names or baby boy names.

Finding the right name to suit your little bundle of joy can be tricky. You can use our tool to search for a baby name by simply choosing the gender you're after (or gender neutral if you don't know yet), or select a name based on origin. Once you have found a few names you like add them to your profile, then as time goes on, you can come back and whittle it down until you're left with that perfect one!

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Aalya \a(a)-lya, aal-ya\ as a girl's name is a variant of Alya (Arabic), and the meaning of Aalya is "sublime". The baby name Aalya sounds like Aaliya, Aila, Ally, Alla, Ala, Allia, Aliya, Alia, Alea, Aaliyah, Ayala, Ayla and Jalea. Other similar baby names are Amalya, Dalya, Galya, Lalya and Talya.

Aamin \a(a)-min\ as a boy's name. The baby name Aamin sounds like Amin, Yamin and Jamin. Other similar baby names are Aarin and Armin.

Aanandini \a(a)-nandi-ni, aan(an)-dini\ as a girl's name. The baby name Aanandini sounds like Ananda. Other similar baby names are Amandina and Amandine.

Aandaleeb \a(a)-nda-leeb, aan-daleeb\ as a boy's name. The baby name Aandaleeb sounds like Wendale, Antolle, Antole, Antal and Wendall.

Aaran \a(a)-ran\ as a boy's name is a variant of Aaron (Hebrew), and the meaning of Aaran is "mountain of strength". The baby name Aaran sounds like Arran, Aran, Ahran, Aaryn, Aarin, Aaren and Jaran. Other similar baby names are Abran, Daran, Garan and Taran.

Aaren \a(a)-ren\ as a boy's name is a variant of Aaron (Hebrew), and the meaning of Aaren is "mountain of strength". The baby name Aaren sounds like Ayren, Aren, Airen, Ahren, Aaryn, Aarin, Aaran, Arren and Jaren. Other similar baby names are Daren, Garen, Laren, Naren and Taren.

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Frequently asked questions about baby names

How to pick a baby boy name?

When choosing a baby boy's name, consider family heritage, cultural significance, and personal meaning. Explore names with positive associations and consider how they sound with your surname. It's important to select a name that resonates with you and your family. Try our male name generator above for name ideas for your little boy.

How to pick a unique baby girl name?

Consider your family history, cultural significance, or personal meaning when selecting a name for a girl. Names with positive associations and how they complement the family surname are also considerations. Choose a name that holds special significance for you and your family and try our female name generator above for inspiration.

How do I give my child a unique name?

To give your child a unique baby girl name, or unique baby boy name, consider exploring cultural influences, literature, or nature for inspiration. You can also modify traditional names, combine different names, or choose a different spelling. Having a unique name can help your child stand out on a list, however it’s not always smooth sailing for them, especially if they are constantly having to pronounce or spell their name throughout life. It's important to ensure that the name is meaningful and resonates with you and your family.

What to avoid when choosing a baby name?

When choosing your baby’s name it’s important to remember they are the ones who live with this their whole life.  Consider avoiding names with negative associations, difficult spellings, or have potential for teasing (kids can be ruthless at school!).  Consider the significance of initials, cultural sensitivities and the name’s compatibility with your surname.

Can I name my baby anything I want?

In most instances, parents have the freedom to choose their baby's name. However, it's important to be mindful of legal regulations, cultural sensitivities, and the potential impact of the chosen name on your child's future. Consider the long-term implications and seek input from family members for name ideas before finalising a name.



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