Infant grinning and eating puree.

Adventures in Feeding: New Tastes, New Textures, New Techniques

Adventures in Feeding: New Tastes, New Textures, New Techniques

6-9 months
Sep 12, 2019
6 mins

Now that your baby is 8 to 10 months old, has enjoyed first tastes, and is becoming more experienced at eating, it’s time to move on to lumpy foods and helping them learn to feed themselves.

This age is an exciting time of development for your baby. They are learning lots of new feeding skills and becoming more independent by the day. Here’s how you can help them learn to eat and drink, and to grow in confidence, as they embark on a new chapter in feeding adventures.

baby smiling happily at someone out of frame


Setting the scene: Teeth arrive at different times for different babies, so don’t worry if your little one isn’t showing off pearly whites just yet. As their teeth start to come through, they’ll gradually move from gumming food to chewing it.
Be their guide: There’s no need to wait for your baby’s teeth to appear before offering lumpy or soft foods – they’ll use their hard gums to mash it up. As with new tastes and 
flavours, you may need to offer your baby new textures several times before they decide they like them. You could start by offering your baby a thick puree with pieces of soft-cooked vegetables in it. The puree won’t separate from the pieces and will move as a whole around their mouth, so they won’t have to deal with too many bits of food in the mouth at one time. Thickly mashed food lets your baby practice moving food around the mouth in an up-and-down, forward-and-back motion to prepare for swallowing. Offering finger foods? Make sure they are diced small, easy to pick up, and soft or able to dissolve in your baby’s mouth. 
Happy ending: Fork-mashed baby food teaches your baby how to use their lips to wipe food from a spoon.

baby being fed pureed food by caregiver

Adventure #2: FINDING FOCUS

Setting the scene: Your baby may get distracted easily and take more interest in your food than in their own. 
Be their guide: Patience is the key here. It can be frustrating, but this is normal behaviour for babies of this age. Be patient and understanding as they try new foods and learn to self-feed, and don’t rush or pressure them to eat more. Encourage your little one to copy you by eating the same healthy foods at the table. Make mealtimes fun by talking, singing, and smiling while they eat. Limit distractions so they can focus on feeding. Move toys or other items off the table, turn off the television, and don’t bring phones or tablets to the table. 
Happy ending: By introducing your little one to eating in this way you will encourage your baby to become a willing participant in family mealtimes. 

baby happily picking up food while in highchair

Adventure #3: PICKING UP FOODS

Setting the scene: You may notice your baby is moving on from grabbing food with their whole hand to picking it up between thumb and index finger. This is called the pincer grip and they may enjoy practicing this new approach to getting foods into their mouth. 
Be their guide: Ignore the mess and let your little one play with their food and explore it through touch. You’ll probably find more food will end up on their face, the floor, and the highchair than in their mouth, but don’t worry. This is how they learn to feed themselves! 
Happy ending: Mastering the pincer grip will lead to the beginning of using a spoon. Food may even make it into their mouth sometimes! Your little one also may enjoy using this new-found skill to feed themselves.

baby spoon feeing themselves puree from a spoon


Setting the scene: Your baby will show you signs when they are ready to start feeding themselves. Look out for them playing with a spoon and bringing it towards their mouth. They may also start mashing food with their jaw. Holding an open cup by themselves or trying to pick up food with a pincer grip are other signs that they are ready.
Be their guide: Consider using two spoons when teaching your baby how to feed themselves – one for each of you so they can follow your lead. Choose spoons with big, soft-textured handles for an easy grip, and never use disposable plastic that can break. Remember that snacks are important too, and another chance to practice new feeding skills. Aim to offer your baby frequent smaller offerings of food because of their small tummy. 
Happy ending: It may feel a long way off now, but your baby is taking important first steps to becoming an independent eater. 

baby sitting on caregivers lap with carrot in their hand


Setting the scene: Your baby is born with instincts to recognize when they are hungry or when they have had enough food. They will decide whether and how much to eat.
Be their guide: As a parent, it’s your job to offer a variety of healthy foods to your baby throughout the day as meals and snacks. It’s their job to decide if they are going to eat them, and how much they will eat. Never force your baby to eat a certain food or finish what you’ve put on their plate or in their bowl. Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. 
Happy ending: Babies whose parents respond to their signs of hunger and fullness appropriately are more likely to learn these signs themselves, you are a great role model!

baby sticking out their tongue to someone out of frame


Setting the scene: Your baby’s tongue is getting a workout as they eat. It moves from side to side to push food onto the gums for mashing.
Be their guide: If you’re buying baby food from a store, look out for varieties specially created for this stage of complementary feeding. They contain lumpy bits and have a thick texture so your little one can feel it in their mouth but doesn’t need to chew too much. 
Happy ending: As your baby eats, they are exercising muscles in their mouth that are important for future eating.

baby drinking out of an open cup


Setting the scene: At eight to 10 months of age babies are eager to learn new skills, making this the perfect time to help your little one learn to drink from a cup.
Be their guide: Babies love to imitate, so show them how it’s done. Hold an open cup with two hands and bring it to your mouth to drink. Hand them an empty plastic cup so they can play, explore, and practice holding it. You’ll have to do the holding and tipping for now – they’re in it for the exploration! Encourage them to copy you and praise them 
if they try. Choose a sturdy cup that’s the same size and width as their little hands to help them with the grasp. An open cup, rather than one with a valve or spout, will work their mouth muscles and help them hone their drinking skills. If your baby needs a snack or drink of water during playtime at home, take a break, and sit your little one at the family dinner table. You can both go back to playing when they’re finished.
Happy ending: At first your baby might try to seal their lips around the rim of the cup. With practice, they’ll learn how a cup functions. 

baby safe eating guide



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