5 Fun Baby Shower Games
Baby showers are not only a great way to get together with loved ones and receive gifts for your soon-to-be bundle of joy, but they also provide an opportunity to get involved in some fun and playful games that focus entirely around you and your upcoming arrival.
Congratulations on your journey to parenthood! As you prepare to welcome your little bundle of joy, it's time to celebrate with a memorable baby shower.
Baby showers are not only a great way to get together with loved ones and receive gifts for your soon-to-be bundle of joy, but they also provide an opportunity to get involved in some fun and playful games that focus entirely around you and your upcoming arrival . In this article, we explore some of the best baby shower games and activities that will entertain your guests while creating lasting memories. So, let's dive in and make your baby shower an unforgettable experience!
Nappy Relay
What you’ll need: nappies, baby toy for each team, stopwatch.
One of the classic baby shower games is the Nappy Relay. This game brings out the competitive spirit in your guests and gives everyone a chance to practice their nappy changing skills.
How to play:
- Divide your guests into even teams and provide each team with a baby doll in a nappy, and a stack of nappies for each team member to change. Each team member should take off the “dirty” nappy and then put a “fresh” one on.
- Start the stopwatch and challenge the teams to see which team can change a nappy the fastest.
The laughter and excitement that follow will create a lively atmosphere at your baby shower. Not only is this game entertaining, but it also provides an opportunity for you to practice nappy changing techniques.
The laughter and excitement that follow will create a lively atmosphere at your baby shower. Not only is this game entertaining, but it also provides an opportunity for you to practice nappy changing techniques.
Baby Food Taste Test
What you’ll need: Various flavours of baby food (labelled with numbers), wooden popsicle sticks, pens and paper.
Get ready for some hilarious moments with the Baby Food Taste Test game. The challenge is to guess the correct flavour of each baby food. This game not only produces some hilarious faces but also gives everyone a taste of what your little one will be eating one day.
How to play:
- Prepare or purchase various flavours of baby food (check your guests’ dietary requirements first). Cover any labels with numbers and provide a clean popsicle stick for each flavour for each participant.
- Each participant should try each baby food, using a clean popsicle stick, and write down their flavour guess. If you want to make it a bit easier you can put a list of flavours up on the wall for guests to choose from.
- Whoever guesses the most correctly, wins!
For added fun, you can also blindfold the taste tester. As guests take a spoonful of baby food, their reactions and guesses will be entertaining. It's a great way to bond with your guests and share some funny moments together.
Guess the Baby Item
What you’ll need: A bag or box, various baby items.
Test your guests' knowledge of baby essentials with the Guess the Baby Item game.
How to play:
- Fill a bag or box with different baby items such as dummies, bibs, rattles, and onesies.
- Pass the bag around, allowing each guest to feel the items without looking.
- After everyone has had a turn, ask them to write down their guesses for each item.
- The guest with the most correct answers wins.
This game not only adds an element of competition but also sparks conversations about baby items and their uses. It's a fantastic way to engage your guests and share tips and insights about essential baby gear.
Paint a Bodysuit or Bib
What you’ll need: Plain bodysuits or bibs, fabric paints, paintbrushes.
Unleash your guests' creativity with the Paint a Bodysuit or Bib activity. This activity not only creates a special keepsake for the baby but also adds a personal touch to the baby shower. It's a wonderful way to involve everyone in creating something meaningful for the baby.
How to play:
- Provide plain bodysuits or bibs and a range of fabric paints and paintbrushes.
- Let your guests express their artistic talents by painting unique designs or messages on the clothing items.
Encourage your guests to get imaginative and create designs that reflect their personalities or convey heartfelt messages for the little one. The painted bodysuits or bibs can be displayed at the baby shower and later used by the parents-to-be as a cherished memento.
Baby Name Game
What you’ll need: Pen and paper for each guest.
Choosing a name for your baby is an exciting task, and the Baby Name Game adds a fun twist to the process. It's a fun activity that sparks conversations and adds a personal element to the baby shower.
How to play:
- Have each guest write down as many baby names as they can think of. Make sure you tell them the gender if you’re sharing it.
- Set a timer for 2 minutes and let the creativity flow.
- After the time is up, go around the room and have each guest share their list.
This game not only helps expecting parents discover new name options but also provides a fun opportunity for everyone to share their favourite names. Guests can offer name suggestions, share the stories behind their chosen names, or even propose unique and unusual names.
Baby showers are a time of joy, laughter, and celebration. By incorporating these fun baby shower activities you can create lasting memories while preparing for the arrival of your little one. From the competitive Nappy Relay to the creative Paint a Bodysuit or Bib activity, these games will entertain your guests and make your baby shower truly special.
Remember, the best baby shower games are the ones that bring people together, spark conversation, and leave everyone with a smile on their face. So, gather your loved ones, enjoy the festivities, and get ready to welcome your bundle of joy into the world!